Race Night With Special Guest Speaker, Howard Kendall

Friday 6th March 7:30PM, Ezo Restaurant, Formby

Everton legend Howard Kendall will share some of his experiences as a championship winning player and manager of Everton FC in this very special one-off event with proceeds going towards a community work expedition for the underprivileged orphans, children and members of the Asni community in Morocco.

There is also an 8-race televised horse-racing card so you can have a few drinks and a flutter, interspersed with music and games.

What's It All About? And Booking...

Event: A Fun (Indoor) Night At The Races Featuring Everton Legend Howard Kendall
When: Friday, 6th March, 7:30PM (first race 8PM)
Where: Ezo Restaurant, Shorrocks, a short walk from Formby station, Lifeboat Road, Formby, L37 2EB

Google Street View: http://bit.ly/ezoshorrocks

Directions From Formby Station: From the main station exit, turn right down the hill on Kirklake Road and keep going straight. At the end, turn left onto St. Luke's Church Road, walking past the church until you reach Shorrocks Hill and within the ground, Ezo Restaurant (total of 0.8 miles)

Cost: Just £5 per person! ...although you can choose to pay more as proceeds go to a community work expedition to Morocco for the underprivileged orphans, children and adults of the Asni community.

Book Here:

Choose £5 (and that's appreciated), £10 or £15 per ticket - the choice is yours. That's because some people after hearing the cause offered to pay more to help hit the target.

But don't worry if you just want to pay the lower amount - it really is appreciated! Choose your preferred price per ticket, and it takes you to PayPal - either use your debit card or sign-in if you already have a PayPal account:

Places at £5 each:

Places at £10 each:

Places at £15 each: